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Lime Property Ventures

Lime Property Venture's Purpose is to develop homes and generate profit for the reinvestment in the work of the Elim Housing Group.

Lime Property Ventures was established as the commercial subsidiary of Elim Housing Association in February 2016. The two separate, but complementary, organisations now make up the Elim Housing Group.

Lime Property Ventures has the capacity to maximise the value of trading opportunities on behalf of the Elim Group, and the flexibility to explore new ideas and operate as an investment partner, developer, property manager or private landlord. Lime Property Venture’s endeavours not to retain properties for rent or to invest capital in opportunities that the Housing Association could take on under its own rules.

It undertook its first project in 2016, comprising the development of Hathaway House, 25 units of student accommodation in the centre of Bristol. Now fully occupied for the second consecutive academic year, the concept and practical design of Hathaway House has been well received by students, the University and the city of Bristol.

With the exception of Hathaway House which Lime Property Ventures retains to achieve a rental yield, the subsidiaries core business is developing new homes for sale; either on the open market, or on behalf of clients or partner organisations seeking specific housing solutions.

Development Programme

Based on known finance arrangements, our current projections show that Lime Property Ventures has the potential to deliver at least 50 new homes for sale during the life of its business plan through:

  • New build housing for outright-sale in a joint venture with a developer/ contractor partner.
  • Development of purpose-built student accommodation for sale to University partners
  • Delivery of mixed tenure developments as part of a joint venture with Elim Housing Association (with EHA taking responsibility for any affordable housing element).
  • Construction of new properties on plots owned by the Elim Group which are currently under-utilised.
  • Conversion of non-residential properties into saleable dwellings.

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