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Our Plan for the Future

Our Plan for the Future

Elim is a small association with large ambitions and we hope these are captured in our 2023 – 2028 Corporate Plan. In the context of the economic uncertainty and social challenges of the current environment, this plan and our vision to meet housing need and deliver homes that change people’s lives is more relevant than ever.

Over the next five years Elim will continue to evolve and grow. We will increase the number and quality of the homes and services we offer, and we will work with a diversity of customers, colleagues and other stakeholders to provide affordable homes that meet customers’ needs.


2023 - 2028:

  • Increase In Size: We expect Elim to pass the 1,000 homes mark. We will do this because we want to help more people with housing, and in some cases, support needs.
  • Diverse Workforce: We are working to ensure that our diversity matches that of our customers and that our services and processes reflect the differing needs of the people we serve.
  • A National Provider: Elim is the largest national provider of Gypsy Roma & Traveller accommodation. We will play our role in national networks to share and to learn from good practice and to advocate for our customer groups.
  • Customer Engagement: We will do more to involve our tenants and other customers in guiding our services both at an organisational and a local level.
  • Specialist Services: More of the homes we build will provide for specialist needs identified by our stakeholders and commissioners. 
  • Digital Push: We will expand the channels available for customers to contact us and our use of technology to improve efficiency and service delivery.


Download a copy our 2022 / 2023 Accounts here.

Download or 2023 / 2028 Corporate Plan here. 

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